You’ve just had a baby and your body feels like it’s been put through the wringer. Congratulations! You’ve just completed one of the most amazing, life-changing experiences there is. But now what? How do you start rehabbing your postpartum core? And more importantly, are postpartum exercises safe for you to do? In this blog post, we will discuss 3 essential postpartum core rehab exercises that will help you feel your abs again!

There’s so much fear and misinformation going around the internet when it comes to diastasis recti and postpartum core rehab. Big blanket statements like:

“NO crunches or sit-ups”

“DON’T plank”

“Do NOT rotate ever”

“ONLY roll to your side to get out of bed

Are creating unnecessary fear and people are literally afraid to move. Not helpful at all.

And then on the other side of things we have influencers with zero education in core and pelvic health telling people to “do these 3 moves and you’ll get 6 pack abs like me in 3 weeks”.I know that *most* people are trying to help but it’s not serving you to have a “do” and “don’t” list. Why?

  • Because everyone is different.
  • We’re still learning and researching about Diastais Recti and the best way to strengthen/heal in postpartum.
  • You might respond completely differently to an exercise than your mama friend.
  • It’s not teaching you body awareness and educating you on what to look and feel for in your body so you can safely strengthen and progress.

Here are a few tips to help you in your postpartum core rehab process

  • Your posture can give you clues as to what you should focus on to achieve a more “stacked” body
  • Master a good 360 breath that allows your pelvic floor to lengthen
  • Learn how to properly engage your deepest layer of abs (TVA) and your pelvic floor & coordinate your breath with your engagement
  • Learn strategies to manage intra-abdominal pressure (IAP)
  • Start with simpler moves and then test things out! You must challenge your tissues to make progress!
  • Strengthen your WHOLE abdominal wall not just the TVA
  • If possible, work with a Pre/Postnatal Fitness Coach like myself or a Pelvic Floor Therapist

3 postpartum core rehab exercises that use the wall as feedback to help feel your abs!

1. Wall Bird Dog

2. Wall Quadruped Beast Hold

3. 90 90 Wall Mini Crunches


These exercises are intermediate to advanced but again everyone is different! These are just three of the best postpartum core rehab exercises that you can do to help heal your diastasis recti and strengthen your postpartum core. Remember to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine, and be sure to listen to your body during each exercise. If something doesn’t feel right, stop and consult with a certified postpartum fitness professional.

Do you have any other postpartum core rehab exercises that you love? Share them in the comments below! And be sure to check out our Free Postpartum Core Workout Guide, which you can do at home with no equipment needed.