Mama, if you take one thing away from this whole blog post, let it be this: please, please, PLEASE DO NOT go back to your bootcamp classes or general group exercise classes at 6 weeks postpartum.

Your body grew a tiny human for 9 months. Things have been stretched, shifted, possibly torn, or cut. You have been through a lot and your body is still healing and adjusting. It is not in your best interest to jump back into your regular exercise. I highly recommend rehabbing your body first before going back to more intense activities.  Returning to intense activities too soon after birth could result in pelvic floor dysfunctions, worsening of diastasis recti (ab separation), aches and pains, and injuries.

I am SO tired of the whole “bounce back” after baby stuff. Why do women need to look like they never had a baby 2 months after giving birth? Why is our society encouraging women to lose baby weight as fast as possible? That is complete nonsense. Women are amazing. Growing a baby, and then giving birth to a baby is absolutely mind-blowing and beautiful. Postpartum is a sacred time and moms should not have to focus on weight loss. The goal should be to reconnect with the body, heal the core and pelvic floor, and nourish the body with intentional movements. 

Reconnecting with your body 6 weeks postpartum

We need to shift the “bounce back” after birth attitude to deep appreciation for birthing women. Let’s celebrate women and their bodies for what they have done and accomplished. 

Let’s be real here. Growing a human being takes a toll on a woman’s body. The best thing for postpartum mums to do is to take time to heal and restore their bodies. Afterward, they can go back to more demanding activities. No matter what type of birth you had or where you gave birth, you still need some time to reconnect with your body after birth.

Some women might only need a week or 2 of rehab work before their bodies can handle more demanding activities. Others might take months. Everybody’s situation is different and you should never compare yourself to other moms. Stay in your own lane, and you will see results. You should seek help and guidance from professionals. These include Pelvic Floor Therapists, Women’s Health Physiotherapists or  Postnatal Fitness Specialists. These professionals will teach you how to rehab your body to build a strong foundation for a lifetime. Here’s my favorite resource to find a postnatal specialist near you: Global Pelvic Health Alliance Directory

If you go back to your Bootcamp classes or group fitness classes without professional guidance, you are way more likely to end up with an injury, worsening your ab separation or peeing your pants in the middle of a workout. The truth is that most fitness instructors out there have no clue how to work with the postnatal population and they could actually make your recovery worse.

Here are my top tips on how to rehab your body after 6 weeks postapartum

Fourth Trimester Restore

This is exactly what my 6-weeks postpartum online program, Fourth Trimester Restore focuses on. The program includes all the above postpartum rehab steps.  Lucky you, Fourth Trimester Restore is going on sale for Valentine’s Day weekend and you can snag it first by joining the waitlist here!

Moms need to be strong to be able to chase a toddler around, pick up a car seat or a double jogging stroller without getting injured. If you want to do these things with a well-functioning body, you need to focus on regaining core strength and stability. Remember to heal your pelvic floor BEFORE jumping back into your regular activities. I wish it was standard protocol for all women to see a pelvic floor therapist after birth. Getting insights into what is going on internally in the pelvic area is really valuable and can help shape your rehab process. Continue your rehab journey by working with a knowledgeable postnatal fitness professional to bridge the gap between rehab and fitness is key. 

So, if you see a new mom, how about you empower her by telling her how strong and amazing she is. Teach her how to appreciate what she and her body has done for her and her family.

To all my fellow mamas, I take my hat off to you today because you’re freaking amazing and no matter what body size or shape you are, you are my hero.

Are you interested in building your strongest foundation ever after birth? Do you want to strengthen your core the right way and heal your pelvic floor once and for all? Do you want to feel strong and capable in your mothering journey? Start here,  Free Postpartum Regain Strength Guide.

If you are ready to make a change and get the guidance you deserve, check out my online program Fourth Trimester Restore! This 6-week postpartum program will change your life!

Julie xo