6 Benefits of the Deep Core connection method during pregnancy

6 Benefits of the Deep Core connection method during pregnancy

Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to just breathe as your belly grows in pregnancy? Expecting mamas tell me all the time how they can feel uncomfortable, experience lower back pain, hip pain, and can feel out of breath with simple tasks. The siscomfort in...
My journey to healing my overeactive bladder

My journey to healing my overeactive bladder

I want to share part of my personal postpartum story with you today. Often, I preach about being real and authentic about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum issues. This is something I haven’t talked about much but I need to be real with YOU. Perhaps it is because I am...
Dear Mum’s, peeing in your pants after childbirth isn’t normal.

Dear Mum’s, peeing in your pants after childbirth isn’t normal.

Did you know 33% of postpartum women experience urinary incontinence (stress, urgency, peeing in your pants or mixed incontinence) at 3 months postpartum? Stress urinary incontinence is defined as any amount of bladder leakage with activity (jumping, sneezing,...
6 weeks postpartum and ready to exercise? You should Wait A bit

6 weeks postpartum and ready to exercise? You should Wait A bit

Mama, if you take one thing away from this whole blog post, let it be this: please, please, PLEASE DO NOT go back to your bootcamp classes or general group exercise classes at 6 weeks postpartum. Your body grew a tiny human for 9 months. Things have been stretched,...
3 Postpartum exercises to strengthen your core

3 Postpartum exercises to strengthen your core

Why didn’t anyone tell me about how my pelvic floor would feel after birth? Why didn’t anyone tell me peeing my pants every time I look at the toilet should not be the norm? How did I not know of postpartum exercises to strengthen my weakened pelvic core?  Why...
Top 5 Pregnancy tips for a positive birth experience

Top 5 Pregnancy tips for a positive birth experience

Congratulations! You are expecting your bundle of joy! Now what?!   Pregnancy can be an exciting time, but it can also be a time of feeling completely overwhelmed with all the information out there. What exercises should I do? What’s safe and not safe to do? How...
How To Reconnect With Your Body Postpartum

How To Reconnect With Your Body Postpartum

I hear a lot of moms talking about “losing the baby weight” and “getting their body back” after giving birth. For the love of our bodies and our lifelong health, we need to switch the focus from weight loss to healing and reconnecting with our...
4 ways to reconnect with your pelvic floor in postpartum

4 ways to reconnect with your pelvic floor in postpartum

“How’s the baby doing?” and “Is he sleeping through the night yet?” are questions that many women in early postpartum are asked. I will be the first one to admit that I used to ask these questions all the time. Now, after 3 babes of my own, my view on the early...
Why Postpartum Fitness is About More than Losing Weight

Why Postpartum Fitness is About More than Losing Weight

I am honored to have written a guest blog post for my client, friend, and great blogger on why postpartum fitness is about more than losing weight. This is such an important topic. I hope you will check it out and read more on prenatal and postnatal fitness.         ...